The DGRS AGM will be held on Sunday 28th July at Spagalimis in Montreal St at 6pm. The club will subsidise the food so $10 per person will get you pizza and chips. You pay for your own drinks.
Please RSVP to by Sunday 21st July. Everyone – (including partners and supporting members of DGRS) is welcome to come to the AGM and mix afterwards over a drink and food. Only registered members can vote. Please deposit $10 per person into the club bank account with AGM and your name as the reference. Bank account number: 12-3147-0509550-00
Nominations for DGRS Committee Members
Please email your nominations for Committee members to me by Sunday 21st July. These need to be made by 2 financial (registered) members of DGRS. Current committee members are:
President: Phil Lindsay
Treasurer: Bridget Lumsden
Secretary: Margy Gilpin
Members: Don Greig, Dave Cox, Maree Greig, Shane Grose, Anne McLeod and Ants Duncraft.
Please nominate for the 3 positions plus up to 6 additional committee members.
Proposed motions and other items of business
If you have any motions to propose to alter the DGRS constitution or have any other motions or matters including general business that you would like to discuss at the AGM, please email Margy by Friday 19th July.