We meet beside the Sign of the Takahe on Dyers Pass Road. Runs usually involve running up to the top of the Harry Ell track and then along the Summit Road either left towards Rapaki or right towards Sign of the Bluebird. We normally split into two groups running for 90 to 120 minutes. Any changes to the start location of the Sunday run will be notified via a banner on this website by 8pm on Saturday night.
Speedwork at Ngā Puna Wai Track starts at 6pm. Warming up from 5.30 pm. We then break into groups to run the distances and times that Don tells us to. To cover the cost of renting the track, there is a cost to participate of $4 for registered members and $5 for unregistered runners. If bad weather forces cancellation, this will be notified by 3pm on Wednesday via a banner on this websites homepage. Each night we record attendees and then every 3 months invoice members for the number of sessions attended.
We meet at Ayr Street, usually for a tempo or other structured run around South Hagley Park. On the last Saturday of the month DGRS runners act as pacers for the Hagley Parkrun. Usually our pacer's provide pacing for 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27 and 30 minutes. Our friends from Halswell Run provide pacing for 32, 35, 37 and 40 minutes.